bren pantilione

Hi, Great to meet you!

An outcome-driven, motivated, and ambitious individual, I bring 12 years of organizing, training, and campaign management to the table. Experienced in both candidate and issue campaigns with a background organizing on campuses, and in rural, suburban, and urban areas. I'm especially interested in working for progressive organizations and candidates that are women, people of color, or LGBTQ. 

Pantilione 2023 Resume.pdf


"When [Bren was] my manager, I felt seen and valued. Thank you for teaching me that I deserve to be managed with dignity and respect." - Direct Report, 2020

"I want to say a huge thank you to [Bren] and all of the coalition.  It was my honor to be part of [the coalition] and I was so impressed.  This is a class act, extremely well organized.  Under the most difficult of circumstances [Bren] pulled off an amazing organized effort.  Everyone got to vote safely and [Bren has] a lot of the credit on [their] plate.  Thanks so much. I am looking forward to continuing to work with [Bren]." - Coalition Partner, 2020 

"I've been meaning to express my appreciation to [Bren] (and the team) for not only what they've built operationally, but also culturally. [Bren] and their team created space for inclusion, mutual support, grace, joy, and humor--I see you and thank you!" - Coalition Partner, 2020

"I have known Bren for six years now, and my respect for Bren has always been sky high, but it has grown exponentially. They are one of the most intelligent individuals I have worked with, and I believe myself to be fortunate for knowing someone as smart and as qualified as Bren." -Organizer, 2018

"[Legislative District's] primary liaison was Bren, and I swear they walk on water.  Every single staff member we were honored to have... was FANTASTIC and is clearly responsible for our electing THREE state legislators and all but one of the rest of our ballot. Indefatigable, skilled, and precious.  [Bren] picked them, and we loved them, and we won." -Legislative District Chair, 2018

"I’ve made some great friends and memories, developed and honed new skills, and learned more about what I’m capable of as a person and leader. It was also such a pleasure to not just work with [Bren], but to watch [Bren] as a leader. [Bren] exerted such positive energy and charisma... I appreciate all of the thoughtfulness that [Bren] and other senior staff put into not just the field program but in the team building and development of staff." -Organizer, 2018

"You’ve done an incredible job managing more things than most teams of people do." -Staff at a Partner Organization, 2018

"Bren has demonstrated exceptional leadership in the LGBT community in both a personal and professional capacity. I continually demand the highest of standards from my staff of whom Bren vastly stands out as one of the most capable, intelligent and hardworking." - Supervisor, 2017

Save my card, let's get coffee.